Givens International Drilling Supplies is a one-stop drilling supply company capable of meeting all your drilling equipment and supply needs. We offer various brands of DTH hammers and bits including Mincon, Atlas Copco, Sandvik, Halco, Bulroc, EDM, and Numa. Givens also supplies virtually any type of drill bit including rotary, PDC, drag, core, and hole-openers. We sell Baroid drilling mud and polymers, swivels, drill steel, collars, stabilizers, adapters, casing, screen, overburden under reaming systems, core barrels, pipe wipers, thread compounds, mud pumps, and much more. Givens serves a wide range of drilling industries including water well, construction, mining, exploration, geothermal, and dam restoration. Whatever your application, we can get the tools you need. We are proud to offer an extensive line of products and excellent customer service.