Rose-Wall makes 5 different models of well grouters to suit the size of your job and are proud to have grouters made by well drillers for well drillers.
At Givens International we will supply you with all the information you need to make an informed decision on your purchase.
From the smallest - RW4100
Compact size allows grouter to be mounted directly on some drill rigs

- Compact Size 36" long x 36" wide x 49" tall
- 10 gauge steel construction
- 3" channel iron base with 2" angle iron legs
- 41 gallon mixing hopper
- Reliable 8 HP Honda OHV recoil start engine
- Variable speed, all hydraulic drive
- 12 gallon hydraulic reservoir
- Bowie rubber gear pump (20 GPM @ 125 PSI)
- Thorough mixing of the grout accomplished by the unique design for the mixing paddles and hopper baffles.
- Grouter can be supplied without engine and hydraulics to run off of the rig hydraulic system or the truck p.t.o. hydraulic system.
To the larger - RWDH 5800PCP Double Hopper Grouter

- Two 58 Gallon Capacity Mixing Hoppers
- 18 GPM and 225 PSI Capacity
- 3L6 Progressive Cavity Pump
- 18HP Electric Start Honda Engine
- Hydraulic System with an 18 Gallon Capacity Hydraulic Reservoir
- Hydraulic Motor Driven Fill and Wash Down Pump
- Single Skid Frame
- Width: 40 "
- Length: 84"
- Height To Bag Dump: 41"
- Overall Height: 51 "
- Weight: 925 lbs.